Meet the faces of genetic and genomic healthcare
Next Meeting: Fall 2022 hosted by UNC
Registration coming soon!
NCMGA would like to support travel to regional and national conferences by awarding travel grants to
members in good standing or post-graduate genetics students in North Carolina. Awards will be granted
on a “first come, first served” basis. Pre-approved conferences include the annual meetings of the
National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and the
American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG). Attendance at other conferences may be acceptable
when there is relevance to medical genetics.
The maximum grant amount awarded will be $250 per individual. Payment of the grant funds will be
made directly to the member as reimbursement after attendance of the conference. The completed
application should be submitted prior to attendance at the meeting. Within one month of the conference
completion, please provide evidence of the expenditure in the form of copies of receipts for registration,
airline or rail ticket, auto rental or hotel stay to the NCMGA Vice President via the ncmedgen@gmail.com. Conference expenses
reimbursed from other sources are not eligible for further NCMGA reimbursement.
We welcome membership from any individual in the state who meets any of the following criteria:
- Recognized by the American Board of Medical Genetics as Active candidate status or Board certified.
- Recognized by the American Board of Genetic Counseling as Active candidate status or Board certified.
- Involved with the delivery of clinical genetics services to the citizens of North Carolina.
- Involved in the training of providers of genetic services.
- Provide service through clinically related research.
- Our annual dues ($25) provide for honoraria to speakers at our semiannual conferences and fund special projects of the Association. Becoming a dues-paying member ensures that you are eligible to vote on Association business items.
Follow us on Twitter @ncmedgen